Saturday, May 2, 2009

How did I Become A Virtual Assistant?

4 years ago I was hired to be a Virtual Assistant. I never had any idea of what it does. My employer taught me how it’s done and how it works. The main idea about Virtual Assistance that embedded my mind is that “it’s simply working as an assistant for a particular businessman only that you do your work remotely through the use of the internet.” I had to be good at a lot of things that a Virtual Assistant uses. I had to learn to speak the English language perfectly. I had to learn to understand how Americans speak and be able to understand even how slang they speak; I had to learn how to understand instructions fast and correctly and be able to carry them out efficiently. From day 1 of my job to present I am still learning but compared to before, of course, I am now more competent and efficient in carrying out my clients’ tasks. I realized lately it was that simple. I am very happy with what I have become and what I can still be in the future. I have lots of plans. Plans that I hope to realize within this year. I’ll write more about it soon. Stay tuned!!

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